
Ramen Jinsei JET (Fukushima,Osaka)

There is Ramen Jnsei JET near Fukushima Station in JR West Osaka Loop Line on a few minitues walk to north. They opend the shop in June, 2010 as a scond bland of Higashinari Kinsei, the popular ramen shop in Tamatsukuri, and then got the newface prize of, Kansai Ramen Taisho in 2010. They have a special limited ramen/Tsukemen called "Torinikomi" that means chiken stewed very well. It looks like right-browned soup and the smell of the chicken is fragrant. On the other hand, reglar menus, Wafu-Shouyu and Shioniboshi, ares popular for ramen lover, too. Recently they have developed curry typed tsukemen that can be arrenged the ajustment of hotness. Now ramen lovers in Kansai area pay attention to Fukushima, there are many popular ramen shops.

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